Friday, March 4, 2016

What to do when you cannot sign in Gmail

Having problems when signing in to your Gmail account? Select your issue and we guide you how to get rid of it.
Email is an essential thing when we use internet. We can send files, documents, messages, videos... with email. We can sign up new account at every website with email... But when you cannot sign in your email account, let's visit gmail login problems and find the issue, we will help you to solve it!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The most popular password

Gmail login: Each year, Splashdata - a password management company - has releaseed their list of "Worst Passwords" of 2015. These passwords that listed here is the most popular password that evaluated mostly from North America and Western Europe users. This most used passwords list also shows many people continue to put themselves at risk for hacking and indentity theft. Is your password in the list? Let's check
As you can see, the most used password in top 2 is still the same in 2014, once again reign supreme as the most commonly used passwords. It's a easy to guess password and too simple. We have many new password in top 25 this year. Some of them in first sight seem really strong like "1qaz2wsx" or "qwertyuiop" but when you type them, they even is typed faster than then number 7 "football".
This list is released means if your password in the list, there are some people who read this list can use these password as clues to sign in your account, so even normal people can steal your information, not only hacker, whom you think hack your account for nothing. So what if it's your game account and another gamer can access your inventory and sell all the items that you have?
If you find your password in the list, it's time to change it to protect your account, email address... Changing password doesn't mean using another password in the list :v or else, you want to raise the rank of other password higher?
For more helps and tips, let's visit gmail login to get the solution for all the problems you have with Gmail. Thank you!!

Friday, February 26, 2016

How to sign up and Gmail address

Step by step to create a new Gmail Account and make use of all Gmail features in a short amount of time.
Gmail, or Google Mail, is the email service from Google. Gmail is also the most popular email service with more than 900 million users in the world. You can use Gmail to send messages, files, videos, voice, chat, register at any website... Having a Gmail means you have a Google Account to access all its product, for example Google Drive, Google Blogger, Google Photos... To see how to sign up an Gmail account, please visit gmail login here for the full tutorial.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How to mass unsubcriber newletters

Gmail login: Your inbox is full of newsletters with "new comment arrived", "xyz reply your comments", "news in abc"... and you want to get rid of those things but there are too much? There's an "unsubscribe" button next to the sender's address in promotional emails in Gmail inbox.
If there are some mails of this type, you can click "unsubcribe " button next to the sender's address in promotional emails.
But if there are MANY of them? You can type "unsubscribe" into the search box, and you'll probably find every deal, discount, and event email notification you've ever signed up for and now, select all (but make sure to click "select all conversations that match this search" too) to banish historic newsletters from your inbox.
Let's visit gmail login for more interesting tips and tricks to use Gmail effectively. Thank you!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Join Star Wars World with Gmail

Gmail login: These days, you can see many topic, discussion about the new movie of Star Wars :) You may think this post do not relate to Gmail, but when we are in this hot trend, how can Gmail miss it ;)
Google is really trendy when join this trend with most of their features, Gmail is an example.

Firstly, you have to visit "" and choose one of two side: light side or dark side by click in join button, you become a member of the Force
Now, you can see some small button of Google feature, and one of them is the familiar icon: Gmail. Just click it and see the different in your Gmail ;) loading bar now is a lightsaber, Gmail theme has changed. How about trying another feature? Oh, now I can translate my text into Aurebesh with Google Translate! 
Let's create your email address with gmail login and join the Force today!! Thank you!!

Monday, February 15, 2016

How to check is there someone else sign in you Gmail

If you've got a creeping suspicion that someone else is eyeing your inbox, check your "last account activity". In inbox view, scroll all the way down, and in the bottom right corner in tiny text, you'll see "Last account activity: X minutes ago." Click "Details," and Gmail will reveal exactly when each IP address accessed your account, plus what type of device they were using.
More tips are waiting for you at gmail login, we are really happy if we can help you in solving your sign in problem. Thank you!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Gmail: Sign Out Remotely

Sometimes we use a public computer for some reasons, and do a gmail login to see if we have any urgent email. It' fine but what if you forget to sign out? It's not something just happen in other world. Someone who use the PC next will able to jump into your account and read all of your conversations. Even worse, that person could send out emails on your behalf and create all kinds of chaos. That's all because you forgot to sign out.

Don't sweat it, Google has your back. Scroll down below your inbox and take note of the Details URL. Right next to it, Google tells you when the last account activity took place, and from which IP it originated from.

When you click on the Details link, a new window pops up with more detailed information about any recent activity that occurred on your account, including the IP address, date and time, and even the access type (browser, mobile, POP3, SMTP, and so forth).

In addition to your armchair investigation, this is also where you're able to sign out of your account remotely. Just click on the 'Sign out all other sessions' buttons and it will be like you never forgot to log off at all!
For more tutorials and tips, let's visit gmail login and find your problems ;) Thank you!!